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The Mayor of Flagstaff presenting Dennis, AA7DK,
with a proclamation declaring Field Day week as
Amateur Radio Week in the City of Flagstaff.

Field Day 2007 was a great operation.  We had lots of young and new hams show up and operate.  We entered Class 3A, operated a GOTA station,
a VHF station, and had demonstrations on APRS and WINLINK.  The Mayor of Flagstaff presented a proclamation declaring the week as Amateur
Radio Week in Flagstaff.  We reached our goal of 6000 points due to the efforts of everyone, especially those who worked so hard on all the bonus
points.  We finished first in the Southwestern Division and 23rd in the whole country.  Thanks to everyone from the Coconino Amateur Radio Club
and the NADXA for their help and participation.  A big thanks to Dave W7FYW and Dennis AA7DK for putting the whole effort together.

The Mayor and Bob KE7HPI W7FYW KE7HPI, Sarah, Carolyn working 20m
AA7DK, NF7E, on the GOTA Station Main SSB station SSB station #2
KE7HPI and Lindsay working 15m AA7DK working a pileup on 6 meters W7LUX working APRS, Winlink, & NTS
N7KOZ & N7NOS working the GOTA Statio CW Station and Vertical W7YS on CW.  "I just missed 3 contacts for your silly photo!"
VHF antenna with SSB beam in the background   Dave, W7FYW, at SSB #2


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