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Year Three of the 100th Anniversary 10-Year Countdown Special Event
The 93nd Anniversary is 11-19 February, 2023 (UTC)

This is the 3rd year of the 10 year special event celebrating the discovery of Pluto. Members of the NORTHERN ARIZONA DX ASSOCIATION will be operating from Lowell Observatory and their home QTHs operating on most bands and modes from Feb 11th thru 19th. We will be using W7P as our callsign and will also have W7P/0 operating from Kansas City. The W7P/0 station is managed by Doug Tombaugh, N3PDT, who is the nephew of Clyde Tombaugh, the astronomer that discovered Pluto back in 1930! There are a number of new telescopes at Lowell Observatory for the public to use including the beautiful 8" Moonraker refractor shown below. Also, there is a 32" reflector with a short focal length as well as others. More details can be found on our callsign W7P on QRZ or on our website at under activities. We hope to have you in our log! Be sure to get this years QSL that shows Clyde looking through his homemade 9" telescope back when he was 22 years old.

93rd Anniversary QSL Card - Clyde Tombaugh with his home-made telescope


Lowell Observatory Sign

NADXA Trailer Set up at Lowell Observatory for the 2022 event


For QSL instructions and event information, check out the Pluto 100th Anniversary Info Page





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