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Special Members

There are special members in our club.  Hams who do unique and special things. 
This section is to let you know why they are so special!


Mike NG7S

Mike, NG7S at his last club meeting in Flagstaff  before moving to Washington in the summer of 2007. 
NF7E, W7YS, AA7DK and KJ7WY with Mike.  Mike went on several DXpeditions to IOTA islands and
served as a club officer on several occasions.

Art, NN7A at his last club meeting prior to moving to Colorado.   Art is famous for his DXpeditions to V31 land on several occasions to activate various IOTA islands.

Bob NF7E is famous.  He made the cover of CQ Magazine.  How many hams get to do that? 

Bob also makes a very unique hand key.

Bob's Wind Key.  If you want copies of the plans to make your own, get ahold of NF7E.

Bob NF7E operating from the Battleship Missouri from Pearl Harbor Hawaii in 2006.

Arizona Daily Sun
By Dana Felthauser 
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Bill Schuchman, right, and Rich Ferguson contact other radio operators using morse code, Saturday, as part of the Amateur Radio Field Day.
The Field Day is the nation's largest "ham" radio on-air event drawing an estimated 35,000 hams each year. Using battery and solar-powered equipment
and portable antennas, it is not only a competition to make the most contacts, but a drill for emergency communication skills used in disaster situations.


N6KZ Qualifies for 8BDXCC

Jim, N6KZ holds his ARRL 5-Band DXCC plaque (with the endorsement plates for 12, 17, and 30 meters). 
It took him 43 years to complete the requirements for this 8-Band award!  He applied for this award last
month (using his LOTW credits) and it took just over a month to arrive. 
Congratulations Jim!!!!!

USS Missouri Visit by AA7DK
AA7DK made a visit to the USS Missouri in Hawaii in November 2013.   Dennis presented a Plaque of the KH6BB callsign to be placed
in the radio room of the ship.  Made by W7FYW, the plaque was signed on the back by each of the NADXA members.
The plaque states "Presented by Northern Arizona DX Assn".  K1ER, the president of the USS Missouri Radio Club, accepted the plaque. 



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