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Constitution and By-Laws of the Northern Arizona DX Association




We, the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of the association of persons commonly interested in DXing and contesting constitute ourselves the Northern Arizona DX association and enact this constitution as our governing law. It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency, and to so conduct programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio in the community.

Article I: Membership

All persons licensed in the radio amateur service, interested in DXing, contest activities, special events, and in furthering goodwill (both nationally and internationally) shall be eligible for election to membership.

Article II: Officers

Sec. 1. The elected officers of this association shall be a president, vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer.

Sec. 2. The officers of this association shall be elected for a term of one year by secret ballot of two-thirds of all active members at the first meeting of the year.

Sec. 3. Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by special elections at the first meeting following the withdrawal or resignation.

Sec. 4. Officers may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the active membership.

Article III: Duties of Officers

Sec. 1. The president shall preside at all meetings of this association, and conduct the same according to the rules adopted. He shall enforce due observance of this constitution and by-laws; decide all questions of order; sign all official documents that are adopted by the association, and none other, and perform all other customary duties pertaining to the office of president. In the absence of the president, the vice - president will perform the above duties.

Sec. 2. The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of members, submit applications for membership, carry on all correspondence, read communications at meetings, and notify members of meetings.

Sec. 3. The treasurer will keep track of all monies and property of the association, and will report the financial situation at each club meeting. He is responsible for collecting dues and fines, and will make disbursements upon receiving bills for which the club is responsible.

Article IV: Dues

The association, by majority vote of those present at any regular meeting, may levy upon the general membership such dues and assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the organization within its objectives as set forth in the preamble. Non-payment of such dues or assessments shall be cause for expulsion from the association within the discretion of the membership.

Article V: Amending the Constitution

This constitution or the by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the total active membership. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted upon at the next following meeting, providing all active members have been notified of the intent to amend the constitution or by-laws by said meeting.

Proposed 10-15-86 accepted 11-19-86 amended 11/2/21



1. Secretary. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association and have the same with him/her at every meeting. He shall cause all amendments, changes and additions to be noted thereon and shall permit the same to be consulted by members on request.

2. Membership. Membership in the Northern Arizona DX Association shall be limited to those holders of a valid license in the Amateur Radio Service who have a proven, bona-fide interest in Amateur Radio DX operations or contesting.

A.      There shall be three classes of membership in NADXA:

(1) Full members shall be those members who have obtained a valid DXCC certificate from the ARRL or who have submitted proof to the association officers of personal DX contact with a minimum of 100 countries as defined in the ARRL DXCC countries list. Full members have full voting rights.

(2) Associate members shall be those members who have been voted into membership but have not met the requirements of Full membership. Associate members have full voting rights.

(3) Provisional members shall be those members who hold Technician Class License or are studding to apply for such license. Provisional members do not hold voting rights and are not required to pay dues or assessments.

B. Candidates for membership in the NADXA are subject to the following requirements:

(1) Each candidate shall be sponsored by a member of NADXA, who shall be responsible for the validity of the candidate's interest, suitability and application. If, for any reason, the candidate is initially unsponsored, the President shall appoint a sponsor from the membership.

(2) Each candidate shall present to the sponsor suitable proof of DX interest and contacts sufficient to establish the candidate's valid interest in Amateur Radio, DX or contest activities.

(3) The sponsor of a candidate for provisional membership shall act as mentor for the candidate and assist him/her to obtain a valid Technician License and/or upgrade to General Class. Provisional members are required to earn Technician Class License within 6 months. Holders of Technician License are required to earn General class License within one year. Sponsors are required to assist Provisional members enter and operate a minimum of 2 contest and/or special events.

C. Upon satisfactory proof of candidate's valid interest in DX or contest activities, the sponsor shall, prior to the next immediate regular meeting, make known his evaluation of the candidate to the officers of NADXA and such members as have evidenced and interest in the candidates suitability for membership. This may be accomplished by personal contact, mail, email, or telephone.

D.   Upon acceptance of the candidate's qualifications by the officers and members contacted, the sponsor shall invite the candidate to attend the next regular monthly meeting of the association; the sponsor, at such meeting, shall introduce the candidate and briefly state the candidate's qualifications for membership.

(1) If the candidate's qualifications have not been acceptable to the officers and members queried, the sponsor shall so notify the candidate and the application for membership shall be considered rejected.

E.   After the candidate's presentation at the regular monthly meeting, and prior to the next monthly meeting, each member of the NADXA shall advise the sponsor of his acceptance or rejection of the candidate's application for membership. This may be done by personal contact, mail, or telephone.  Endorsement by two-thirds of the active membership is required for approval of a candidate's application.

(1) If the candidate's application is rejected, the sponsor shall so notify the candidate.

(2) If the candidate is accepted for membership, the sponsor shall so notify the candidate and request that he attend the next regular meeting, at which time he will be inducted into NADXA.

F.   Upon the request of the president at a regular monthly meeting, and upon approval of 100% of the active membership, the president may confer an honorary membership upon anyone who has made a substantial contribution to amateur DX/contesting activities.

G. Voting members are required to stand for elected office or sponsor a provisional member at least every 2 years.

H.  Membership in NADXA may be terminated for any of the following reasons:

(1)     Member activities detrimental to the well-being and reputation of NADXA.

(2)     Loss of the member's license in the Amateur Radio service due to punitive action by the FCC.

(3)     In any case, upon a vote for termination by 100% of the active NADXA membership, excluding the member being considered for termination.

(4)     If any member submits a request for termination of his/her membership to the president, no membership vote is required.

I. A member in good standing may be granted an absentee membership upon his/her request for a period of one year. Such absentee membership may be requested due to temporary relocation, illness, or other sufficient reason. Absentee members are not eligible to vote on NADXA matters and will be carried on the rolls as inactive members.

(1)     A request for absentee membership may be made by the member, or by the President, at any regular meeting. A simple majority vote of the membership will denote approval.

J. Any member who fails to attend six consecutive meetings, without sufficient excuse, will be placed on inactive status. The member shall be notified of his inactive status by a letter from the secretary. After six additional months, the active membership shall, by simple majority vote, decide whether to terminate or continue the inactive member. The secretary shall notify the member of the decision of the membership.

3. Financial Controls. All expenditures from the NADXA treasury will be authorized in advance by a majority vote of the paid membership present at a monthly scheduled meeting, or, a majority of all paid members conducted via email openly on the MembersList, except;

A. In the event of a disbursement that is of a time sensitive nature that is needed before the next scheduled monthly meeting, the President may authorize the disbursement of up to $150. Simple convenience should not be considered a reason in this instance. Any authorizations will be reported during the next monthly meeting and an advisory vote will be taken of the membership present. A good example of this type of action is to avoid unnecessary delays in an ongoing project or loss of acquisition opportunity.

B. In the event of an emergency, the President may authorize the expenditure of funds for the emergency repair, protection, or preservation of club assets. This emergency authorization is limited to $1000 without consulting with the Treasurer to confirm funds availability. The President is required to post a notice of the nature of the emergency and the amount of the expenditure via the MembersList at the first opportunity. Any authorizations will be reported during the next monthly meeting and an advisory vote will be taken of the membership present. A good example of this type of action would be on-the-road repairs, towing, or storage of the club trailer or purchase of waterproofing (e.g. tarps) to mitigate ongoing water damage.

C. In A and B above, if the President is unavailable, then the Vice President may act in his/her place. In the event that neither the President nor Vice President is available, the Secretary may act in their place.

D. The advisory vote taken in A or B above will in no way invalidate a properly authorized expense for reimbursement. It will, however, serve as an official record in the minutes for future reference and/or actions.

4. Disposal Of Assets. No assets belonging to the NADXA may be disposed of in any manner without being authorized in advance by a majority vote of the paid membership present at a monthly scheduled meeting, or, a majority of all paid members conducted via email openly on the MembersList.

Proposed 10-15-86, accepted 11-19-86, amended 5/2007, amended 1/2012, amended 4/2017, amended 8/2022


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