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Field Day 2013 was  once again a joint operation with the Coconino Amateur Radio Club.   We  operated from Fire Station 33 on north HWY 89
as class 2A with NADXA in charge of the CW and SSB stations on HF.  CARC was in charge of the GOTA station and the VHF stations.
Conditions were not as good this year.  Contacts were down in number as a result.  A number of our members had other plans for the weekend so
the operator pool was less.  But, it was still a successful Field Day.  The PR was excellent and a number of people visited the site after seeing
the excellent article in the newspaper.  The Boy Scouts came and learned about CW.  Dignitaries from the City came for a visit.  An excellent
BBQ was provided by CARC.
Total CW contacts was 460.  Total SSB contacts was 347.  The GOTA station (KC7RCN) made 49 contacts on 40 meters. 
Six Meters opened briefly into Texas for a total of 23 contacts. When the results came out we finished third in Arizona
and eighth in the Southwestern Division in our 2A class.  We were 91st out of 398 entries nationwide.

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